The Greatest Rock Club You’ve Never Heard Of - Now Brought to Life in VR.

Client: Reservoir Road
Prod: Screen / Immersive content

MetaVis Development
Virtual Production
XR Content


Reservoir Road have commissioned Prox & Reverie to bring the 1970’s Birmingham rock club ‘Mothers’ to life in immersive XR, along with some of its most iconic rock legend performers.

Leveraging digital twin scanning, real-time virtual production and avatar creation, the ambitious production is allowing directors, cast, crew along with some of the music industry’s most iconic living legends, to step back in time to the grungy World of Mothers, long before the cameras start rolling.



Along with the benefits of virtual production, this will also be one of the first productions where screen and immersive content to be produced in tandem, thanks to our convergent content pipeline and the power of The Forge studio design.

Audiences for the first time will be able to enjoy the show and experience the immersive World with all the same sets, cast and characters; without any compromise to the show creators’ original vision.

Client Testimonials

“Working with Prox & Reverie has been an absolute pleasure. To work alongside a company who are as equally passionate about both the creative and the tech is a great way to form the foundations of a project. To be able to discuss and develop ideas in an unlimited way is invaluable to us.”
Clark Denman

Founder & Art Director – LightField London